The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.

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Availability for the week of October 30

This is the last week for the 2016 season.

Please note— the items that start at zero may be available, so add them in your comments if you want to add them to your order if they are available.

Thanks for your continued support of local agriculture.

Availability for the week of October 23

Now is the time to be planting your garlic for next season. Bristol Valley Farm has several varieties offered this week. Not only it their garlic good for planting, but it is good for using in your favorite fall recipes.

Please note that the market will be open through the first Friday of November. If you have a Farm Stand CSA, the cards are only good this season and are only good for fresh veggies offered by Forest Run Farm.

Availability for the week of October 16

Please remember that the market will be open through the end of October and at least the first Friday of November. If you have a Farm Stand CSA, the cards are only good this season. So, there are only 3 more weeks for sure.

Note This week, and until the end of the season, the Market hours are 3-5pm. Please show up during market hours so you are able to add to your order.

Market Hours

Just a reminder that the Farm Stand Market hours starting today are 3-5pm.

There are peppers, green onions, celery, red celery, sweet potatoes, hot peppers, and butternut squash(2 per customer)kale, chard and more available.

Availability for the week of October 9

Fall is finally here—Forest Run Farm was visited Sunday morning by a little frost. There should still be peppers, and let us know if you want beans. We won’t know for another day or so if they survived.
Please remember that the market will be open through the end of October and at least the first Friday of November. If you have a Farm Stand CSA, the cards are only good this season.

Note This week, and until the end of the season, the Market hours are 3-5pm. Please show up during market hours so you are able to add to your order.

Availability for the week of October 2

The market is open for the week.

Availability for the week of September 25

The market is now open for the week.

Availability for the week of September 19

The market is open for this week.

Markt update!!

Welcome back to Bristol Valley Farm. Farmer Crystal is offering some varieties of garlic. Great for fresh eating or to use as seed for your own crop next July.

And Farmer Rich is reminding you that this will be the last week of sweet corn til 2017. He is offering a “freezing” bag of sweet corn too. There will be at least 5 dozen ears in each bag.

Please remember that the Forest Run Farm Farm Stand CSA punch cards are not valid for purchases from Bristol Valley or Ripp-N-Good offers.

Availability for the week of September 11

This will be the last week of sweet corn for 2016. Farmer Rich says the earworms have found the corn. You will get extra ears for each order. Get a couple extra dozen and freeze it for that winter treat.