The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.

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Availability for Week of September 20

Last week was the last week of sweet corn from Ripp-N-Good until July.
This week Baumans Natural Meats has brats available. Not sure, but this may be the last time they are offering this season too.
Rusty Dog Coffee still has varieties available, and it is fresh roasted to your orders.
Forest Run Farm continues to add items Friday morning as they harvest, so be sure to check out the “menu board” when you show up between 3 and 6pm on Friday.

Availability for Week of September 13

The market is open.

Availability for Week of September 6

The Market is Open.

It is very possible that Forest Run Farm will have additional produce available from the following categories, please list in your comments if you are interested in one or more of them: potatoes, carrots, head lettuce, slicing tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, paste tomatoes, salsa box-paste toms/tomatillos/hot peppers, oregano, basil, 3 types of beans, hot peppers, eggplant, bell peppers, ground cherries, cucumbers, patty pan, and beets.

Sweet corn may be available from RippNGood Farms, add your comment and please expect to pay with cash.

Have a safe Labor Day!

Availability for Week of August 30

For those of you that attend our market regularly, this is no surprise, but the list that follows is what was available Friday during farm stand hours from Forest Run Farm:
potatoes, carrots, head lettuce, slicing tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, paste tomatoes, salsa box-paste toms/tomatillos/hot peppers, oregano, basil, green onions, 3 types of beans, hot peppers, kale, eggplant, bell peppers, ground cherries, cucumbers, patty pan, zuchinni, and beets.

Ripp-N-Good had additional sweet corn too. And please remember, that since Farmer Rich doesn’t spray his sweet corn with bug poisons, there may be a cute little worm or 2 on the tip of an ear. If there is, you will know that it is a really sweet one since the bugs seem to know the corn best!!

So, just because it isn’t listed on the product listing, doesn’t mean we might not have what your looking for. Each week there seem to be surprises during our harvesting.

For those of you with a FRF Farm Stand CSA share, please be aware of the dates and dollar amounts remaining on your punch cards.

Availability for Week of August 23

This week Forest Run should be picking more paste tomatoes and tomatillos. Since we don’t know how ripeyou want them we let up choose at pickup. Put the qty (# of pounds) in your comments. And, if the weather warms up the slicing tomatoes should ripen…..
Rusty Dog Coffee roasts and grinds to your order, so you can get the freshest coffee possible.
Ripp-N-Good still has sweet corn available.

Farm Stand CSA members, please remember that if you order from others than FRF, you must pay by cash or check at pickup. The items you order are picked/prepared for you at your request. Please respect all our vendors/growers.

Availability for Week of August 16

The market is now open

Availability for Week of August 9

The market is now open

Availability for Week of August 2

Farmer Rich says his sweet corn is ready and tasting great! Remember, he doesn’t use any GMO seeds and doesn’t spray his corn- so there may be a bug. But if he isn’t poisoning the bugs, he isn’t sharing poison with you.
Forest Run is hoping for warm nites to help the tomatoes ripen, they should have more varieties coming from the field, along with more peppers and other surprises.

Bauman’s Natural Meats is again making their products available this week; chicken, brats and burgers go great on the grill with sweet corn!!

And, Rusty Dog Coffee only roasts coffee to order. As a small batch local roaster in Madison, they are roasting once per week to fulfill orders guaranteeing you receive the freshest coffee possible.

For those of you with a Forest Run Farm, Farmstand CSA, remember the punch cards are only good on FRF fresh fruits and veggies.

Availability for Week of July 27

This week Forest Run has more tomatoes coming in, you can choose at pickup. And with the warmer weather, they will continue to have “harvest surprises” on Friday.
Farmer Rich says his sweet corn may be ready next week.
Rusty Dog Coffee is in great supply.
Bauman’s Natural Meats will be offering their selection next week, so start planning your order.
Please support all the vendors at DeForest Locally Grown.

Availability for Week of July 19

The Market is open.

Once again this week,there should be tomatoes, sweet peppers, cucumbers and summer squash at pickup.

Please respect the quantity limits.