
Bauman's Natural Meats and Pheasants


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The Baumans enjoy eating simple foods without a lot of strange unpronounceable chemicals in them. That is the way the meats are brought to you.

The crops are homegrown and fed to the animals. No genetically modified grains are used nor are insecticides. Natural “fertilizer” from the animals is preferred over using harsh commercial chemical fertilizers, as well as crop rotation to keep the fields healthy and fertile.

The Bauman’s consider their meats natural. That means no antibiotics or artificial implanted hormones are used in the production of the animals. Cows are on pasture; pigs out in the open air and sunshine, and all chickens are free range. They are well cared for and healthy.

Animals are processed in local area processing plants. You are getting just meat, no fillers or extra water. The processors are instructed to make sure the meat products are lean without being too dry.

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