The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Availability for Week of July 12
As the weather finally seems to be warming, the heat loving crops are starting to ripen. Friday at market there were lots of summer squash and finally some slicing tomatoes. There should be more varieties available at pickup for you to choose from. This week also brings a few beans and it may be the last of the broccoli until fall. Also this week, Forest Run is offering a special on Kale. Great for kale chips, and check it out on our facebook page-
to see what microwave kale chips look like. Stock up now!
Rusty Dog Coffee is still offering their fresh roasted coffee, including their special Rusty Dog Coffee Forest Run Roast – Ground or Whole Bean.
Just a reminder to be courteous of the other folks shopping at the farm stand and park – on the grass- backing in and please no pets in the market area.
Availability for Week of July 5
We hope everyone had a fun-filled 4th of July weekend and celebrated and remembered the history behind the holiday!
Thanks to those of you that ordered from Bauman’s Meats and Pheasants this past week. They will be offering their products again in a few weeks.
Rusty Dog Coffee is still offering their various coffees.
Forest Run is starting to see some of the warm weather crops. If an item is at (0), exact, in the listing that comes out with this blog, that means FRF farm is hoping that it ripens by Friday. As happened this past Friday, the weather provides pleasant surprises too with what is ripening, so be sure to check out the listing when you get to the farm to fill out your order.
Availability for Week of June 28
This week, Bauman’s Natural Meats and Pheasants is offering up a great selection for 4th of July grilling! Their custom made brats will make for a great cookout. Or maybe a whole chicken or 3 for the entire family get together.
Rusty Dog Coffee has a great roundup also for the Holiday weekend get together. You might need some extra getup after all the fireworks.
Forest Run Farm is beginning to harvest some of their summer crops and berries, so look for them at the Market on Friday.
Farmer Rich isn’t sure if he will have strawberries on Friday, so be sure to add them to your comments if you would like them if available. He says his sweet corn is looking good, but isn’t even tasseling yet.
If you are a Forest Run Farm—Farm Stand CSA member, be reminded that your punch cards are only valid with Forest Run Farm products. Please support all the growers/vendors that make up DeForest Locally Grown to help build and stabilize a strong local food network.
Farm Stand opens at 3!
Forest Run Farm is offering the last of their transplants, until the lettuce and kale for mid summer plantings. FRF also found some beets, kohlrabi, broccoli, cucumbers, and a few tomatoes.
The market hours are 3 to 6 today.
Hope to see ya soon.
Availability for Week of June 21
Happy Father’s Day—Hope everyone had a splendid time. The Market is Open for orders.
See you Friday!
Farm Stand has STRAWBERRIES!
*Farmer Rich brought over some more strawberries, and the crew at Forest Run found broccoli, snap and snow peas today. Forest Run is also offering their plants 2 for the price of one the more you buy, the better it gets.
Please plan to get to the farm stand so we can close up at 6!
Hope to see ya!
Availability for Week of June 14
This week, Rusty Dog Coffee is still available.
Farmer Rich is hoping the weather cooperates and dries out the strawberries.
Forest Run continues to have fresh greens and is running a special on the remaining certified organic vegetable starts. It’s not too late to plant yours, they are still putting in tomatoes, peppers, squash, melons and more.
Please respect the market hours of 3 to 6pm on Friday. If you can’t make it during those hours, ask a friend to get your order for you.
Half price plant sale at market today!
Forest Run Farm is offering their certified organic plants for sale at half off their original prices.
There are 2 varieties of past tomatoes at 2 plugs/ .25, many varieties of slicing and cherry tomatoes originally priced at $3 now $1.50. There is still watermelon, winter and summer squash, broccoli, kohlrabi, kale and more still available.
There will be plenty of fresh picked veggies for those of you that forgot to order this week- head lettuce, leaf lettuce, kale, chard, radishes, salad turnips, chinese cabbage, bok choy, green onions, and more. Farmer Rich brought some of his strawberries too!
Remember the market is open from 3- 6 today. Please, don’t show up early as we are still preparing the orders. And, if you can’t make it by 6 to get your order, call a friend and ask them to get it for you by 6.
Availability for Week of June 7
To Contact Us
Contact info:
See What’s Happening:
Forest Run Farm on Facebook
Order Sunday, Mon or Tues
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
Welcome all new account members!
The Market Managers,
John and Dena Schlitz
DeForest Locally Grown Market News
Forest Run Farm will offer greens for your menu this week. Rippn good corn will have the first Strawberries of the season. Quarts and pints will be available, remember that these strawberries will not be covered by the CSA punch card provided by Forest Run Farm.
Rusty Dog continues to offer small batch roasts of 100% Arabica blends. Bauman’s Natural Meats will be offering meat options for pick up on June 26.
Forest Run Farm will have many green offerings: small head lettuce, spinach, Kale, chard and herbs. Forest Run Farm also offers vegetable plants for your garden—all started at the farm and grown organically and currently ON SALE. They are not listed this week but can be picked up at the Farm on Fridays or at Hilldale Market. The selection of plants includes tomato, peppers, herbs, kale, lettuce, kohlrabi, watermelon, pumkins, summer and winter squash, and broccoli. All plants will be 50% off the original price of $5, $3, or $0.25. Note: Plants can not be purchased using the CSA punchcard, so bring your wallet.
If you are new to this market and have questions, please email and we will get back to you.
Note to CSA customers: We have our first Farm Event on Saturday, June 13, Farmer for the Day, 8:30-11:30. Please RSVP by Friday to if you are interested in joining us.
Availability for Week of May 31
The rain has really helped to replenish the moisture in the ground, but it always seems to slow down the planting when the fields are left muddy. Hopefully the next few sunny days will help to dry it out and get the asparagus going again.
Forest Run Farm has some beautiful plants for sale: tomatoes, peppers, kale, etc. All $3 plants and 4 packs are buy 5 and get 8- 8 for $15. They are also offering 2 varieties of paste tomatoes, Roma and Amish Paste as a plug. Normally they are .25 each, but this week buy 8 and get 12 – 12 for $2. They will also have greens available like head lettuce, chard, kale and spinach. Bilko cabbage, radish, hakuri turnips and herbs.
Rusty Dog Coffee is available in medium and dark roast, fresh ground or whole bean. It’s roasted right here in Madison and can be delivered most weeks. Bauman’s Meat is listed but not available for delivery this week. Start planning your order.
Enjoy your week, and see you On Friday!