The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Availability for Week of May 22, 2016
Do you believe the beautiful day today?!
Unfortunately we did get frost again on Wednesday last week, so the asparagus has really slowed down again and will probably not be available this week. Most of the offerings are from the Hoop House at Forest Run Farm. Kale has been added to the list.
Forest Run Farm is offering vegetable plants and herbs for sale. Tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, Tomatillos, parsley, kale and kohlrabi. They just started putting tomatoes in the field this past week, so there is plenty of time to get your garden going. Note: CSA punchcards are not valid for plant payment.
Check the list that follows for what is available. Pick up will be Friday from 4-6pm.