The Weblog

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Availability for Week of August 30

For those of you that attend our market regularly, this is no surprise, but the list that follows is what was available Friday during farm stand hours from Forest Run Farm:
potatoes, carrots, head lettuce, slicing tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, paste tomatoes, salsa box-paste toms/tomatillos/hot peppers, oregano, basil, green onions, 3 types of beans, hot peppers, kale, eggplant, bell peppers, ground cherries, cucumbers, patty pan, zuchinni, and beets.

Ripp-N-Good had additional sweet corn too. And please remember, that since Farmer Rich doesn’t spray his sweet corn with bug poisons, there may be a cute little worm or 2 on the tip of an ear. If there is, you will know that it is a really sweet one since the bugs seem to know the corn best!!

So, just because it isn’t listed on the product listing, doesn’t mean we might not have what your looking for. Each week there seem to be surprises during our harvesting.

For those of you with a FRF Farm Stand CSA share, please be aware of the dates and dollar amounts remaining on your punch cards.